The Nick Bateson Long O

14 February 2018

Final Results

Show Splits

Red - 4.7 Km / 90 m climb

Pos'nNameUnit/ClubClassTimePaceAge Gp
1stLCpl C Marr
151 Regt RLCM2100:41:2108:47M21
2ndToby Huthwaite
3rdWO2 K Rix
151 Regt RLCM3500:44:2109:26M35
4thLCpl S Pariyar
10 Sig RegtM2100:55:2111:46M21
5thBrian Pilling
6thSig F Dawson
10 Sig RegtM2100:56:2311:59M21
7thLCpl B Rai
10 Sig RegtM2100:57:3912:15M21
8thCfn M Colling
9thCpl Y Young
25 Trg Regt 109 Sqn RLCM2001:04:1113:39M20
10thPte M Davies
Deepcut StationM2101:04:1313:39M21
11thWO2 L Ward
9 Regt RLCM4001:09:4514:50M40
12thPte G Thomas
9 Regt RLCM2101:10:4415:02M21
13thSgt B Tamang
14thLt D Ashton
151 Regt RLCW2101:15:0215:57W21
15thCpl P Rankin
17 Regt RLCW2101:22:2617:32W21
16thSgt L Mukome
Upavon StnM4501:47:5022:56M45
17thAmanda Bailey
Sgt M Porter
9 Regt RLCM40DNF RetiredM40
Ollie Wells
SOCM14DNF RetiredM14
Wo S Grant
RMASW45DNF RetiredW45
Bethan And Izzy Grant
INDW12DNF RetiredW12
OCdt A Stewart
RMASM21Disqualified Missed #10(129) & #13 (117)M21
Ocdt H Good
RMASW21DNF RetiredW21
OCdt R MacLachlan
RMASM20DNF RetiredM20
Pte V Ewen
151 Regt RLCW21DNF RetiredW21
LCpl J Phillips
151 Regt RLCW21DNF RetiredW21
Sgt G Oppong
DSEMEM35Disqualified #9 & #10 wrong orderM35
LCpl M Westwood
DSEMEM21Disqualified #9 & #10 wrong orderM21
Cfn C Wardsell
DSEMEW21Disqualified #9 & #10 wrong orderW21
OCdt YM Shamsudeen
RMASM21Disqualified Missed 3 ncontrolsM21
Sharon Gallagher
SARUMW40DNF Missed 7 controlsW40
Rfn J Blades
4 RiflesM18DNF Missed 8 controlsM18
Pte K Kiliraki
Deepcut StationM21Disqualified Missed #9 (122) & #13 (117)M21
Pte C Kaluwa
Deepcut StationM21Disqualified Missed #9 (122) & #13 (117)M21
Pte T Ceinaturaga
Deepcut StationW21DNF Missed severalW21
Pte M Martin
Deepcut StationW20Disqualified Wrong orderW20
Results updated
22-Feb-2018 10:31:36